La città è una stupenda emozione dell’uomo. La città è un’invenzione, anzi: è l’invenzione dell’uomo.” Renzo Piano

On January 27th, 2018, in Florence, at Villa la Pietra – NYU, Volta organized a workshop with Italian and international innovators, managers and policy makers to focus on cities, innovation and sharing economy.

This workshop’s themes included discussions on new technologies and community, the particularities of italian cities and innovation governance.

Key participants included:

Paolo BARBERISFounder Nana Bianca, Counselor for Innovation to Italian Prime Minister

Lorenzo CHIRIATTI, Lawyer, Co-author Volta Paper 05 – “Sharing Economy, un’occasione da condividere”

Nicola DANTI, Member of the European Parliament, Rapporteur European Agenda for the collaborative economy

Simon KUPER, Columnist The Financial Times

Jean-Louis MISSIKA, Deputy Mayor of Paris

Francesco RUTELLI, President ANICA

Tommaso SACCHI, Chief Cultural Cabinet, City of Florence

Federico SARICA, Director Studio magazine